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Science Department Chair:  Dylan Bland

Welcome to the College Park High School Science department! Here we will provide information about the Science teachers, classes, programs, and organizations. The Science department strives to engage all students in active and participatory learning with the hopes of creating lifelong passion in Science.

Courses offered:
  • Living Earth
  • AP Biology
  • AP Environmental Science
  • Principles of Biomedical Science Pathway
  • Human Body Systems Pathway
  • Medical Interventions Pathway
  • Physiology
  • Zoology


  • Chemistry of the Earth
  • Earth Science II
  • Physics of the Universe
  • AP Chemistry

Biology - Family Life Education

The district is legally required to provide advanced written notification written notification to parents of children who will receive instruction related to human reproductive organs and sexually transmitted diseases. For any student enrolled in Biology this year, this curriculum will be presented and discussed.  We must also provide the parents with an opportunity to preview the materials being used for family life education and to request that their children be excused from such instruction if they so desire. 

CP Teachers Page

Visit the College Park Teachers page. There you will find teacher profiles and websites, when available.

Contact Us

Timothy Aiello - Teacher

Marcella Barrios  - Teacher

Loren Behr - Teacher

Dylan Bland - Teacher and Deptartment Chair, Science

Peter Bodrog - Teacher

Jessica Clark - Teacher

Jillian Maganito - Teacher

Marcus Thomas - Teacher

Raj Virk - Teacher

Evan White - Teacher

Valerie Williams - Teacher

Lynn Young - Teacher