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Social Science

Social Science Department Chair:  Valerie Kriger

Welcome to the College Park High School Social Science department! Here we will provide information about the History teachers, classes, programs, and organizations. The Social Sciences department strives to engage all students in active and participatory learning with the hopes of creating critical thinkers, and life-long learners of History and related subjects.


Courses Offered:

10th grade: World History, AP World History, World History/Perspectives

11th grade:  U.S. History, AP US History, U.S. History/American Threads

12th grade:  U.S. Government/Economics

Contact Us

Valerie Kriger - Teacher and Department Chair, Social Science

Will Gregory - Teacher

John Hallquist - Teacher

Amy Hiatt - Teacher

John Kropf - Teacher

Michael Porter  - Teacher

Nick Sacco - Teacher

Joel Swett - Teacher

Lauren Weaver  - Teacher

CP Teachers Page

Visit the College Park Teachers page. There you will find teacher profiles and websites, when available.