Special Education
Welcome to the College Park High School Special Education department! Here we will provide information about the Special Education teachers, classes, programs, and organizations. The Special Education department strives to engage all students in active and participatory learning with the hopes of creating life-long learners.
Services Offered
These services are provided by specialists and include specific services not normally given in a regular classroom and are supportive of the student’s total educational program. They include, but are not limited to, Designated Instruction and Services, student services in speech and language, and Adaptive Physical Education.
The program provides, directly or indirectly, instructional and other services for students whose needs have been identified by the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team as being exceptional. Students are assigned to regular classroom teachers for the majority of the school day, services are determined by students’ IEP. Please refer to your case manager for course selection.
These classes provide services to a student who has more intensive needs than can be met by regular school programs and the Resource Specialist Programs. Students are enrolled for a majority of the school day and grouped according to similar instructional needs. These classes include mild to moderate handicapped and severely handicapped students. Available to Special Education students are regular academic and elective classes and programs provided by Adult Education and the Regional Occupational Program (ROP). Please refer to your case manager for course selection.
CP Teachers Page
Visit the College Park Teachers page. There you will find teacher profiles and websites, when available.
Contact Us
Megan Eckert - Teacher
John Rusk - Teacher and Department Chair, Special Education
Daniel Reed - Teacher
Julie Strong - Teacher
Kurt Throne - Teacher
Cristina Valle - Teacher
Theresa Vetter - Teacher
Heather Watson - Teacher
Alyson Tong - Teacher
Special Education Assistants (SEA's)
Maria Cuenco
Morena Grimaldi
John Holcolmb
Loretta Hurlbut
Martina Tait
Carol McNeal
Lisa Okawa
Nicci Shipstead
Jeannie Stuscavage
Stacey Vuong
May Zaha