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School Counselors


The College Park counselors provide a comprehensive program to students to support their academic advancement, post-secondary planning, and personal/social development.  We are committed to advocating for students and collaborating with parents, staff, and community stakeholders to ensure that all students are successful.

Reasons To Meet With Your Counselor:

  • Academic Planning/4-Year Plans
  • College/Career Readiness and Exploration
  • Graduation Requirements
  • Course Registration and Scheduling
  • A-G Requirements
  • Social/Emotional Support
  • Credit Recovery Options/Apex 
  • College Applications 
  • Summer School Enrollment
  • Alternative Education Options

How Do You Meet With Your Counselor?

Students:   You can drop in at brunch or lunch to speak with your counselor briefly.  Otherwise, please visit the main office and fill out an appointment request form or you can email your counselor to request a meeting.

Parents: Please call/e-mail your student’s counselor to schedule an appointment.  We do not take drop in meetings.  If you have concerns about your student’s performance in a specific class, please contact your student’s teacher first.

Counseling Office Hours:

Monday - Friday:  8:15 am - 3:30 pm

Counseling Support, School Psychologist and College/Career Contacts

Social Worker and Wellness Center Administrator - Charisse Segee

College and Career Advisor - David Walters

School Psychologist - Stephanie Harrington and Kyle Nosler

School Counselors

Morgan Gillette

Student last names: A-D

Meeting Request Link for Ms. Gillette


Phone: 925-682-7670 x3259

Mitzi Chacon

Student last names: E-Le


Phone: 925-682-7670 x3203

Magali Mercado
Student last names: Li-Ri


Phone: 925-682-7670 x3208

Tamara Prosise

Student last names: Ro-Z


Phone: 925-682-7670 x3221

Jennifer Ramirez

ELD/ELA Students


Phone:  925-682-7670 x3215