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AP/Honors & Elective Course Info

AP (Advanced Placement) and Honors level courses are advanced courses that students can enroll in to dig deeper into subjects that interest them.

If you have any questions about any AP/Honors courses, please review the information slides and overview below for more details about the classes that are offered.

Elective classes are courses that are not part of the required curriculum (like English, Math, etc.).  Students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of subjects like Art, Music, Band, Computer Science, Sports Med, and more.  Please see the Course Catalog for all options.

Class Websites & Flyers

AP Chemistry - Website & Syllabus

AP English Language Syllabus

  • Google classroom code for Mr. Coito: 6cvdiwm
  • Google classroom code for Mr. Benerofe:  rgkz73m

AP English Literature

  • Google classroom code: ywo43bh

Creative Writing - Syllabus

Intro to Film - Syllabus

Psychology & AP Psychology - Flyer