Frequently Asked Questions
I have a question and don’t know who to ask. Where should I start? What is the best way to contact someone?
Due to limited hours and phone coverage, the best way to ask a question about College Park is by e-mail. The e-mail can then be forwarded to the appropriate person. For a list of office staff, please see Office Staff on the school website under the Administration Tab. The Position Title might help you to determine the best person to ask.
If you don’t know where to start, please send an e-mail to Ms. Cheng in the main office and she will direct you. Please allow 48 hours for a response.
Don’t forget, you can always use the Search Box on our school website to obtain helpful information.
My child forgot homework/lunch/textbook/calculator/sports uniform/sports equipment. How can I get this to my child?
As of October 1, 2018, College Park High School will no longer be accepting drop-off items during class time. Please arrange to meet your student during brunch or lunch to drop off items at the main gate.
I need to pick up my child for an appointment during the school day. How do I do that?
If a student must leave in the middle of the school day, the student must get a “Request to Leave” permit from the Attendance Office. Please see instructions for how to do this on the Attendance Procedures page under the Administration tab. It is best to call ahead of time. Students who leave without obtaining a “Request to Leave” permit before leaving, will be marked truant.
How do I clear an absence for my child?
All attendance procedures are explained on the Attendance Procedures page under the Administration tab.
I need to sign up (or forgot my password) for HomeLink. What should I do?
Please see instructions on the Homelink page under the Parents tab.
Can I come on campus? If so, where can I park?
Visitors are allowed on campus only if they have a reason. All visitors must sign in at the main office and state the reason for the visit. You must obtain a temporary parking permit to park in either the staff parking lot or the student parking lot. Temporary parking permits are available when you sign in at the main office. Vehicles without parking permits will be ticketed. A campus map showing parking areas can be found on the home page of our website on the left side.
I am having difficulty logging into the ASB webstore and/or school webstore, what can be done?
If you are having difficulty, please contact our Treasurer.
My child wants to attend a College Park dance. What needs to be done?
To attend any College Park dance, students must have a current student ID, students must purchase a ticket online AND students must turn in a signed permission slip.
Deadlines for dance ticket purchases and permission slip submission will be announced on the school website, in the student bulletin, and in the Falcon Flyer. The deadline for dance ticket purchases and return of permission slips are often one week BEFORE the scheduled event. Please help your child to plan accordingly.
To purchase admission to a school dance or other ticketed school events:
To purchase admission to a school dance or other ticketed school events: purchase tickets online through the ASB webstore.
How do I get a parking permit for my student?
Parking permits are sold through the Rydin Permit Site. Visit the Treasurer's Office webpage for information on purchasing student parking permits.
My child needs additional PE clothes. How can I purchase during the school year?
PE clothes can be purchased on the School Webstore any time during the year. The student simply needs to take the receipt to the PE teacher to receive the clothes.
When are athletic clearance forms due for sports?
Athletic Clearance forms for each school year must be dated on or after July 1 of the summer prior to the start of school.
The completed forms (including doctor’s signature) must be turned in to a coach on the first day of try-outs. Forms can be downloaded from the Athletic Boosters website or picked up in Student Services South.