College Park Athletics
College Park High School offers our students a wide choice of athletic activities in which to participate. Sports include football, basketball, soccer, baseball/softball, tennis, water polo, wrestling, lacrosse, volleyball, track, cross country, and golf. Our Hurtado Gymnasium displays the many local and state championship flags that our students have brought home to CP. MANY of our students are repeat Scholar Athletes, including our 2010 London Olympic Women's Water Polo Gold Medalist.
We are proud of our FALCONS!
Athletics Links
Visit the CPHS Athletic Website for information about our mission and vision, registration, teams, camps...and more!
Visit the CPHS Boosters Page to learn more and help support our Athletic Programs. A strong sports program keeps kids involved and builds school pride.
Purchase Athletic Tickets online. All upcoming events are listed.
Make a Team Donation. Scroll down to find the sport you would like to support. All donations are tax deductible. Our athletic programs cannot succeed without your continued support.
Purchase College Park Spirit Wear. Online orders are delivered to classrooms, usually on Wednesdays.
Falcon Foundation
The Falcon Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing financial support to College Park High School athletics. The Foundation has been established to provide resources and facilities that will support the various high school programs as well as local community recreational activities.