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Say Something Anonymous Reporting System | NC DPI

Say Something Anonymous Reporting System

The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System trains youth and adults how to recognize warning signs -- especially within social media -- of individuals who may be in crisis, and to tell a trusted adult directly or via the anonymous reporting system.  

Specifically, the Say Something program educates participants to: 

  • Recognize the warning signs of someone who may be at-risk of harming themselves or others.

  • Take every warning sign and threat seriously; act immediately to get help by talking to a trusted adult OR reporting it through the telephone hotline, mobile app, or website that is available 24/7/365.

  • Sustain the curriculum and awareness via student clubs, in-school activities, call-to-action weeks, and on-going trainings.

Report any tips in the Say Something app, or by calling 844-572-9669, or on their website.

Campus Safety Hotline: (925) 709-4847

This hotline number or google form is available for students and parents/guardians to leave a confidential, taped message about anything occurring at school that is causing students to feel unsafe, including all forms of bullying.

The District is very interested in resolving issues of conflict, especially possession of weapons. Students are encouraged to tell an adult on campus about such activities. If students are fearful of retaliation, the Hotline is available as an alternative to personally reporting a campus safety or related concerns.

Resources for Mental Health

  • Contra Costa Crisis Center
    • Crisis/Suicide Hotline:  Call 988 or 800-273-8255 or Text ‘HOPE’ to 20121
    • Grief Counseling: (800) 837-1818
    • Homeless: (800) 808-4444
      • For Spanish, please call: 1-888-628-9454
  • 24 Hour Suicide Prevention Hotline:  988
    • If you are in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, please dial 988.  
    • If you’re uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can also text NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line.
  • Click here for more resources

Wellness Center

CPHS has implemented an amazing Wellness Center during the 2022/2023 school year as a place for students to receive mental health support.  Students can use the center to take a break from class, speak with school based mental health staff, or gain access to other mental health resources.

Please visit our website or contact Ms. Charisse for more information.

PFLAG of Clayton-Concord

PFLAG of Clayton-Concord offers community support, education and advocacy for LGBTQ+ people.

Chapter Meetings

Chapter meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month from 7-8 PM via Zoom for all adult LGBTQ+ people, their family members and allies. This is an opportunity for parents and other adult family members to connect with others who know what it’s like to learn their child’s sexuality and/or gender identity is different than they understood. Chapter meetings are confidential, and Zoom log-in information is available by emailing PFLAG or sending a private message from the PFLAG Facebook page. Membership in PFLAG is not required for attendance and there is no fee.  

Virtual Drop-in for High School Students

A virtual drop-in space is offered for high school students in MDUSD, as well as Clayton Valley Charter, Carondelet and De la Salle, facilitated by the youth outreach leaders of Rainbow Community Center every other Thursday from 7-8 PM. The Zoom meeting ID is 933 8545 9911 and the passcode is 837664. Each meeting includes a check-in time, an educational component (LGBTQ+ history, notable people, etc.), and a time of reflection. Registration is not required and there is no fee.

Rainbow Community Center (RCC)

Counseling Services
RCC offers counseling services for free or at a low cost and also accepts payments from Medi-Cal. Counseling services are available during daytime and evening hours with offices in East and Central county. To request services please call RCC's counseling line at (925) 692-2056.

Youth Services

Operation Q operates every Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon at the center's Concord offices. The program includes support groups, events, drop-in hours and one-on-one support and mentoring. For more information contact RCC's Youth Director, Alpha Mulugeta, MSW (925) 692-0090.

Visit the RCC website

Rainbow Community Center
2118 Willow Pass Road, Ste 200, Concord CA 94519 (925) 692-0090 Launches Spanish Website has launched a new Spanish website. Like the English-language version, the new site provides teachers, parents and community leaders with the resources they need to prevent bullying. We encourage you to explore the new site for research and best practices on cyberbullying, prevention and response.

Visit the - Spanish website

College & Career Counseling

College Park has a well-stocked College and Career Center located next to the library.  Managed by College and Career Counselor, David Walters, the center contains a wealth of information about college and career opportunities. 

Visit the College & Career Center page for more information.

TUPE (tobacco use and prevention)

Please see the linked flyers below for more information/classes about tobacco use and prevention.