California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
CSF Application Instructions
- Applications for the CSF Honor Society are accepted at the beginning of each semester based on the previous semester’s high school grades.
- Turn in applications to Mr. Gregory's room (C-10) by 3:00 PM on September 30th for Fall membership and February 28th for Spring membership.
- CSF Dues are $5.00 per semester, Pay ONLINE or in person at the Treasurer's window.
- NOTE: The application will not be processed without a report card attached and the fee paid online.
- No late applications are accepted. It is the student's responsibility to turn in a complete, signed and paid application.
Google Classroom Code: 3nbwwft
Spring applications are accepted February 1 - 28. No Exceptions!
Later applications are accepted for Spring membership from contacted Seniors only.
Please go to Mr. Gregory's room (C-10) for a CSF application or download an application (this application will be used for the Spring).
Visit the CSF website for more information.