Peer Tutoring
Days: Every Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 3:30-4:30 PM
Place: Library
Peer Tutoring began Tuesday, September 7, 2021. It runs for at least an hour after school in the library every Tuesday and Thursday.
Peer tutoring is a flexible, peer-mediated strategy that involves students serving as academic tutors and tutees. Typically, a higher performing student is paired with a lower performing student to review critical academic or behavioral concepts.
- It is a widely-researched practice across ages, grade levels, and subject areas
- The intervention allows students to receive one-to-one assistance
- Students have increased opportunities to respond in smaller groups
- It promotes academic and social development for both the tutor and tutee
- Student engagement and time on task increases
- Peer tutoring increases self-confidence and self-efficacy
Another reason peer tutoring often works better than direct instruction alone is the comfort level at which students feel with their peers, as opposed to their teachers. This also helps them to increase their social skills by working closely with other students and develops rapport between peers at school
Math Tutoring
Days: Every Monday
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Place: H-hall
Free math tutoring every Monday after school. Just look for the orange sign on the door.
Other tutoring options
Brainfuse - on demand, anytime, anywhere eLearning for multiple subjects.
Schoolhouse - Free online peer tutoring
The College Park Library Website offers an online catalog with the ability to browse and search for many titles and subjects.